Information on Aging Well

Helpful Resources 

Livable Communities- Westchester County
The goal of Westchester County’s award- winning Livable Communities Initiative: A Vision for All Ages is to help seniors remain in their homes and their communities, as they grow older, with independence and dignity. The initiative works through the grassroots Livable Communities Connections (LCCs), the Livable Communities Villages and the Livable Communities Collaboratives.

About one in five residents are over the age of 60 in Westchester County. This will continue to increase as baby boomers age. People age 85 and older are the county’s fastest growing sector of the senior population. Multiple studies show that 90 percent of older adults want to age in place. Livable Communities are also needed because fewer family members and paid caregivers are available to help this growing population.
National Institute on Aging
NIA, one of the 27 Institutes and Centers of NIH, leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. NIA is the primary Federal agency supporting and conducting Alzheimer's disease research.  For more information go to:
Medicare Covered Testing
Aging into Medicare on your 65th birthday is a rite of passage for many older adults—one that means navigating the system, selecting supplemental coverage in many cases, and understanding what Medicare does and does not cover. For some, Medicare is confusing, but the good news is it is also very comprehensive and covers most medically necessary tests a doctor would order.  To learn more, go to:
Articles of Interest
Is Forgetfulness a Normal Part of Aging?

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